- 200Kb of Storage
- 10Mb of Bandwidth
- PHP 4, 5 and 6
- MySQL, SQL and Oracle
- Dedicated Dedication
- Host Up To 6.8 Sites
- Free Identity Theft
- Lots of Storage
- 10Kb of Bandwidth
- PHP 5, 6 and 7
- MySQL and ReiserFS
- 2 Glow Sticks
- Free Broken Toaster
- 24/8 Email Support
- 200Gb of Storage
- 10 Bytes of Path Bandwidth
- Ruby on Railroads
- Dedicated Support Geek
- Dedicated Win 3.11
- Steve Ballmer
- Ruby on Boats
Currently Hosting Over 6,880,364 Websites
Hosting Websites Since 1969!

Downtime Graph

Server Downtime

We are constantly working to improve our server downtime.

Keeping you awake at night is our #1 priority.

Clusters and Scalability

If your websites go down we'll make sure to confuse

you with technical terms and instructions. It's our

job to keep you aggravated, and we never disappoint.


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